“As an executive director, I greatly benefit from the strategic insight that Donna provides and her ‘big -picture’ thinking. There isn’t a conversation that we have that I don’t immediately implement at least one of the great ideas that she has.”

Jill Malmgren, Executive Director

America’s Toothfairy: National Children’s Oral Health Foundation

“We’ve received great guidance from SponsorLink and 

our Board structure is on the right track now.  

I’ve enjoyed the chance to learn from your experience – 

everything you provided proved to be a real roadmap to success.”

 Keri Shull, Board of Directors Chair, 

Caroline Calouche & Company

“The InternLink program is going great: It’s a big help –

it’s giving me some breathing room to focus on greater strategy issues.

I can now see how interns can advance an organization – and we’re experiencing it.”

Margaret Neelsen,Founder/Chairperson, 


Internship Mid-Point Meeting 3/19/19


“SponsorLink’s methodology of actually showing us ‘how to’ has been so helpful; 

Your extensive experience ‘shows’ and definitely goes beyond just telling us 

‘what to do’.  You have been instrumental in revamping our Board – 

… the best use of our ‘professional-development’ grant funds to date.”

 Caroline Calouche, Executive Director,

 Caroline Calouche & Company

“My meeting this morning went great. The CEO is behind it, just waiting on the Board to sign off on it. Thank you for making this introduction.”

Zack Wyatt, Executive Director, 

Carolina Farm Trust


8008 Corporate Center Dr, Suite#209, Charlotte, NC 28226